Privacy policy

The website of the Advokaturteams Gremmelspacher Ruppanner Roth Gass is subject to Swiss data protection law , in particular to the Swiss Federal Law on Data Protection (DSG), as well as any applicable foreign data protection law, such as the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU). The EU acknowledges that Swiss data protection law guarantees adequate data protection.

Access to our website - like all Internet use - is subject to general, random, indiscriminate and suspicion-independent mass surveillance by security authorities in Switzerland, the EU, the USA and other countries. We have no direct influence on the corresponding processing of personal data by secret services, police stations and other security authorities.

Processing of personal data
Personal data is all information that relates to an identified or identifiable person. A data subject is a person about whom personal data is processed. 
Processing  includes any handling of personal data, irrespective of the means and procedures applied, in particular the retention, disclosure, acquisition, deletion, storage, modification, destruction and use of personal data.

We process personal data in accordance with Swiss data protection law. In other respects, we process personal data - insofar and to the extent that the DSGVO is applicable - in accordance with at least one of the following legal bases:

  • Article 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR für die erforderliche Bearbeitung von Personendaten um die berechtigten Interessen von uns oder von Dritten zu wahren, sofern nicht die Grundfreiheiten und Grundrechte sowie Interessen der betroffenen Person überwiegen. Berechtigte Interessen sind insbesondere unser betriebswirtschaftliches Interesse, unsere Website bereitstellen zu können, die Informationssicherheit, die Durchsetzung von eigenen rechtlichen Ansprüchen und die Einhaltung von schweizerischem Recht.
  • Article 6 sec. 1 lit. b GDPR für die erforderliche Bearbeitung von Personendaten zur Erfüllung eines Vertrages mit der betroffenen Person sowie zur Durchführung entsprechender vorvertraglicher Massnahmen.
  • Article 6 sec. 1 lit. c GDPR für die erforderliche Bearbeitung von Personendaten zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung, der wir gemäss allenfalls anwendbarem Recht der EU oder gemäss allenfalls anwendbarem Recht eines Landes, in dem die DSGVO ganz oder teilweise anwendbar ist, unterliegen.
  • Article 6 sec. 1 lit. a GDPR für die Bearbeitung von Personendaten mit Einwilligung der betroffenen Person.
  • Article 6 sec. 1 lit. d GDPR für die erforderliche Bearbeitung von Personendaten um lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder einer anderen natürlichen Person zu schützen.
We process personal data for the duration necessary for the purpose or purposes in question. In the event of longer-term storage obligations due to legal and other obligations to which we are subject, we will adapt the processing accordingly.

Contact forms can be filled out on our website. We also use cookies for this. We store the information that visitors to our website enter themselves. We may also store the IP address and time and date in order to combat misuse, in particular identity theft and spam.

Services from third parties
We host our website GDPR compliant at our Cloud Hosting Partner Amazon Web Services .

We use Google Maps for embedding  maps . These services of the American Google LLC use cookies, among other things, and data is transferred to Google in the USA, whereby we assume that in this context no personal tracking takes place solely through the use of our website. Google is committed to ensuring an appropriate level of data protection in accordance with the American-European and the American-Swiss Privacy Shield . Further information can be found in the Google privacy policy .

Rights of data subjects
Visitors to our website and other persons through whom we process personal data may, free of charge, obtain confirmation as to whether personal data is being processed by us and, if so, request information about our processing of their personal data, have their personal data processed restricted, exercise their right to data transferability - if and insofar as the DSGVO is applicable -, correct, delete ("right to be forgotten") or have their personal data blocked, revoke consents given and object to the processing of their personal data.

Persons in respect of whom we process personal data have a right of appeal  to a competent supervisory authority for data protection. The supervisory authority for data protection in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

Contact addresses
Inquiries from supervisory authorities and affected persons usually reach us by e-mail, but are also possible by letter post:

Advokaturteams Gremmelspacher Ruppanner Roth Gass

Henric Petri-Strasse 9
PO Box
4010 Basel

The contact person for concerns in connection with data protection at the Gremmelspacher Ruppanner Roth Gass team of lawyers is Dr. Georg Gremmelspacher, lawyer.
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